He is still missed by all, he was one of a kind. He was as rare as his car.
To this day if you have a red Cobra my son thinks it's Jack.
Jack was a rare individual that was shared all his cars. Above is my son and I going Brittany Spears with Jack around VIR.
I will share a quick story as told by his wife:
Jack was at a local event with 3020, as he would actually drive the car. A couple came up and started to look over this great machine. The husband started to point out to Jack that 3020 was a nice replica but here is where the replication went wrong....... After several minutes the gents wife asked if it was a real one, the whole time Jack just let the guy keep talking never correcting him. Both wife's laughed but never did tell the man he was standing above a real comp Shelby Cobra. Jack was a great man and great friend. Missed very much.......Remembered every day!