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1. Onefastmustang's cobra is titled as SPCNS and the BAR determined the smog requirement by "year of block". They concluded that the small block was first introduced in 1969, so that is the year that the BAR assigned to his Cobra for smog purposes. Every two years, he needs to have his Cobra smog checked to ensure that it continues to meet the 1969 requirements.
2. The Model Year of Onefastmustangs' SPCNS is 2007, which means he first titled it in 2007 (and most probably that is the year that his build was complete). The DMV/BAR uses the Model Year to determine how often a vehicle must be smog checked. Remember only vehicles with Model Year 1975 (or 76?) and older are exempt from these biannual smog checks. Please do not confuse Model Year and the "year" used to determine smog requirements.
3. Starting in 2008, the BAR no longer will use "Year of Block" to determine the smog requirements. Onefastmustang got lucky that last year was the last year that the BAR allowed this. Moving forward, the BAR will only use Model Year or SB100 to determine smog requirements.
4. Yes, Onefastmustang can apply for a Sequence Number on Jan 2 for his existing SPCNS, and if he gets one, then he can go to the BAR and change the smog requirements of his 2007 SPCNS from biannual to lifetime exempt. It is not uncommon to make this change.
Hope this helps!
Last edited by Randy Rosenberg; 12-16-2008 at 12:04 PM..
Reason: spelling...