Originally Posted by DAVID GAGNARD
Since 1978, my wife and I have had 8 Ford cars and trucks....
my 05 2500HD Diesel Supy Duty David
A 2500 HD is a GM product. A Super Duty is a Ford. Do you actually own an American truck truck?
I owned many Toyota trucks back in the late 80's, and I have friends that still buy Toyotas and they are not free from problems. On top of that try pulling a 16,000 pound boat 1400 miles with a Toyota. Go to a launch ramp where big boats are being launched and all you will see is American trucks. Same goes for big 5th wheel rigs. The Jap trucks will not do the job. I have a friend that towed boats for a living and he put over 400K hard miles on his 99 Ford Super Duty Diesel, and the truck ran strong until the day he sold it.
I think the B3 have serious problems, with the biggest one being the UAW. They do build some quality stuff though.