12-19-2008, 10:55 AM
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Join Date: Feb 1999
Location: Lexington,KY,
Posts: 513
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Originally Posted by What'saCobra?
W is so bloody concerned about not leaving O'Bambi-shine (something like Sunshine) any "difficulties", he throws away our first opportunity to smack-down the UAW in over 50 years. Time and events will take these companies to "disorderly" re-organization under CH 11, soon enough. This is called, "kicking the can down the road".
Meanwhile, W continues to screw any new Republican leadership in the Congress and Senate and the People's Will, as expressed by that Congress and Senate.
W was no communicator, in almost every sense of the word, including a failure to use the internet to explain his detailed views, frequently expressed but not published by the anti-Conservative media.
i guess "compassionate conservative" meant moderate but big-spending Republican, pro-American but anti-confrontation at home. He threw away both houses and the Presidency. i thank him for his military leadership, but think he has completely knuckled-under to Wall-Street-Blues, much against free-market capitalism, pro-government control and intervention, but tread-softly on the Congress, lest they get angry.
Not unlike W's desire to rehabilitate Clinton by including him in all sorts of International events, all of which then paid BJ huge sums to his Lie-Bra-ry, expecting his wifey-dear to become Mrs. President (which has been unavoidably delayed).
i am so pissed i could spit, except this is another new keyboard.
exactly my feelings!!!!
This is sad beyond belief.