Thread: Cam for 462" FE
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Old 12-21-2008, 07:35 AM
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Default I like the small hydro rollers

lovehamr Steve I am running the small crane hydro roller, 587-607". In my 482 it makes over 500 HP and Torque. I have mine setup for more torque that HP The cam is retarted 4 degrees. I have killed some of the top end HP for the off idle torque. The pilot 335/35-17" are no match for the motor now. I am going to advance the cam 2 degrees to kill a little of the bottom end torque. There has to be a happy middle ground. The 3.31 gearing is also some of the problem. It's a good problem. Kieth Craft also makes some custom hydro rollers for your motor. I have one of his .622" hydro rollers for my 498 I am working on. The vacuum on the 482 is steady at 14-15 psi. This is a small cam for this size motor. It has very little lope. Chaplin has the same cam in his car and it sound a little more nasty. Smaller cubic motor. Kieth would be a good place to start with a camshaft. You need to tell him the specs on the motor and WHAT you are going to do with the car. Show and shine, street cruise, autocross and roadracing, or 1/4 mile drag racing. Cruising the car doesn't need or want the same camshaft as racing. Bigger is not always better in some cases. Rick L.
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