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Old 12-23-2008, 09:20 PM
What'saCobra? What'saCobra? is offline
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Default NYTimes?

As you contact the NYTimes public editor, read this article about the refusal of the Times executive editor and the publisher to explain their timing for exposing Bush's warrantless evesdropping on Americans in the US calling or receiving calls from "certain" foreign persons, entities or countries.

Of course, Byron Calame, the public editor at the time is no longer there. Nor is Bill Keller, the executive editor at the time. Keller left under very uncomfortable circumstances after covering for the liar Jason Blair, who was given wide publication freedoms at the NYTimes, as a favored black reporter. Perhaps Clark Hoyt, the newish public editor, will be more effective in getting the paper to answer questions about their editorial positions.

Why is this example important? It indicates the inherent weakness in an objectve public editor resisting an entrenched, biased and anti-truth publisher's opinion mouthed by his executive editor. Did i mention that Calame is gone from the paper?

Very specifically
Where were the New York TImes concerns about the mortgage quality failures that were described in various Congressional and Senate hearings? (Of course, you know the GSE's are not managed by the Administration (example, Postal Services), but operate independently, under the authority of the Congress. Internal audits were ignored and given no support or teeth and outside audits were scarce.) This is the real source of the credit crunch that has screwed the big 3 to the floor of our falling economy. If we want to understand the nature of the credit failures, we need to understand the party-favoritism of the so-called "paper of record". If the mortgage credit scams created the environment that has put our auto companies and their unions at risk, isn't it important to ask why the paper that establishes the daily agenda of 1/2 of the American newspapers never reported on the obvious growing risks?

Many pubbie politicos (Bush, McCain, etc) warned publicly about the extent of the risks to be assumed by the full faith and credit of the USA as a result of inadequate audits and controls over credit policies in GSE's, Government Sponsored Enterprises, FNMA, Indy Mac and Freddie Mac. They were ridiculed and ignored by dem committee chairmen Dodd and Fwank and their dem underlings in the committee hearings. Why didn't the NYTimes ever follow-up on the impending risks and give it significant coverage? Or would that story be anti-dem party and verbotten then punished by "pinch"? Why don't they make it clear that Bawney Fwank and Chris Dodd assured the Committee(s) that the enterprises were in "fine shape" and the US government would NOT be responsible for any failures of the entities (June 2008)? Wouldn't that be an important variance to the current position? Isn't it important to report and recognize that Senator Schumer (NY-D) started a run on the IndyMac bank that triggered the first poor-mortgage-portfolio-sourced bank failure with the publication of his private letter to the bank's regulator in June 2008?

Where is the outrage? Isn't it grossly unfair to withhold help to our former truck, tank, airplane, AA guns, submarine/aircraft engines and bomb builders of WWII, when it isn't actually their fault that the country's premiere media refused to sound the alarm on the credit failures and the underlying failure of the current dem party leadership to accept the internal auditors opinions and allow corrections? Was the continued flow of dem party and personal financial support to these very individuals part of their reluctance to "interfere" with the poor credit practices and increased public risks? Why does the NYTImes refuse to adequately report on the sequence of events surrounding Senator Dodd's sweetheart VIP mortgage terms from Countrywide Bank, perhaps in return for Dodd's investigative reluctance regarding corruption at the now failed Countrywide, Bank of America and beyond?

In my opinion, the failure of America's old time media to adequately report on both the existence and now the real causes of our financial disaster is a massive indictment of the old media and their biased in-the-tank support for both the re-establishment of dem liberal party and union power. The NYTimes must continue to play party politics and run interference for the dem leadership to protect their investment in Barry's presidency and re-cement dem party control over Congressional spending committees for another 50 years, if they can.

Isn't the real reason for the failure of the NYTimes to exercise normal standards of investigative journalism and objectively publish the findings, the pro-union & pro-racial-reparation bias at the nytimes? Ask the public editor that question while you're writing and watch the squirming and flat avoidance.

Why should we and the big 3 have to pay for those Congressional and Journalistic failures?

Are both Congress and the media laws unto themselves with no liability?
"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government."
George Washington

Last edited by What'saCobra?; 12-23-2008 at 10:28 PM..
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