Perhaps we mostly agree about the NYT. But, it is not possible to over-state their failures to report responsibly about the credit crunch (my very shorthand way of describing the root causes of our current economic and financial malaise). These failures doom most citizens from gaining any coherent comprehension about the sequence of events, political behaviors committed and omitted, special interests, special deals, preferred access and pre-conceived biases of supposedly "objective" newsfolk. Everyone wants to "make a difference". Well, here it is. Thank you very much you bunch of lying media-whore hypocrites.
If we do not understand what happened either in the depression of 1928 - 1938 or today, we cannot learn enough to avoid it again in the future. But, of course, that is the NYTimes' objective, isn't it? The NYTImes did a masterful job during the FDR days to obfuscate the truth. Don't raise enough awareness of exactly who willfully ignored the specific problems while they were occurring, so as not to cut off the re-election funding and home district political support bot with citizens bail-outs.
Don't you think our mortal enemies would like to see the big 3 fail to continue in some fashion? Wouldn't they plan to take advantage of a perceived weakness, even if they might be wrong (just as Nikita Khruschev misunderstood the political forces that would force JFK to act in the Cuba affair, even if not altogether effectively)?
But, the NYTImes has no apparent responsibility for subsequent events that are encouraged by their cover-ups, not unlike their famous love-affair with that darling of the Hollywood progressive crowd, Comrade Fidel Castro. Their romanticizing of his destructive protocols and murderous commie bias, kept the truth from the American people long enough to prevent timely action regarding the failures of JFK to keep his word and support the counter-revolution.
Not unlike the famous Pulitzer Prize given to the NYTimes "reporter" Walter Duranty for covering-up the Soviet-engineered starvation progroms in Ukraine in 1932-33 (the Holodomor), world opinion was shaped to support the NYTimes' preferred dictator-in-charge, Joseph Stalin. Even today, the NYTimes refuses to remove the PPrize from Walter Duranty's cold dead hands.
The depth of the NYTimes insult to American values, culture and history are far too deep to describe here. Yet, more than 1/2 of America's small newspapers, TV and radio stations depend on the Times selection of subjects to discuss and their particular slant on the news for their common beliefs.
The NYT support of the union "solidarity" is legendary and they still will support the UAW down to the destruction of Detroit's capacity to employ, not unlike the PATCO example i referenced previously. The NYT is the leader of the 5th column in this country and influences much of western Europe. Their failure to tell the truth weakens one of our democracy's more important safeguards, a free press.
Economically, they are a basket-case as a result of reader abandonment and dwindling advertiser support. The end cannot come any too soon for me.
Detroit, Michigan, the big 3 and our national truth will benefit thereby, the sooner the better.