(Hawaii - 12/28/08) In between his busy pre-Presidential duties such as ordering breakfast, lunch, dinner, taking his kids to the park, having no opinion other than wait and see on the Israeli/Hamas conflict and berating the press for reporting on such minute and minor details as his exercise routine, Barack Obama opined today on the candidacy of Caroline Kennedy for U.S. Senator from New York. According to MSNBC, his opinion was forceful and to the point causing a tingling sensation in the leg of the reporter:
“We will have to wait and see how this works itself out. Rest assured my staff and I are keeping a close eye on how this issue is resolved and will issue a statement when the time is right. She’s at least as qualified as I am for this position, and I was elected President for crying out loud. In the meantime, my staff has done an internal investigation on itself and finds no proof an honest opinion has been issued regarding this appointment one way or the other.”
With the press scratching their collective heads, Obama was pressed to clarify exactly what he just said. Obama replied, “The statement stands on its own merit and should be taken in the context in which I may mean it, subject to change as details warrant.”