Hey Kevin there's plenty of info on it here
Side Pipes
I'm not sure what issue of Kit Car maybe try 3 issues back, I have a ridiculously out of control magazine collection! I do have pictures of what I did to Johns sidepipes PM me an e-mail address as I haven't dinked around resizing or posting them. If anyone else needs them we may have to do that. The mufflers were simply cut out, the ends of the pipes were trued up to length and a new muffler welded in. I TIG welded Johns as they were SS mufflers to steel pipes. The torque and power gains Jim's talking are even more amazing when you feel them against your back! I would also consider building them from parts too for a short budget and personal satisfaction. Tacking them all together right on the car is the best way to ensure fit. Just make sure you really skip around with opposing welds when final welding so it doesn't go nuts. Speedway and Summit are good suppliers of elbows and returns for tubing. Some e-bay outfits are pretty good too. Burns Stainless has all the exhaust components you need in stainless of course but you might want a set of the neat little collector tabs that are even stepped for the material thickness. I have scratch built a few systems recently and they take a little time to get looking nice but that's why we work on our own stuff right! I have a set of stainless and mild steel exhaust flanges cut and ready for 2" primaries for the FE, I can also supply any custom cut parts for you, if you need anything you can't find let me know.