Gravity bleed--just open the bleeder screw alightly and let it drip out, keeping the master full at all times. Gravity pulls the fluid which will displace the air sooner or later. My .02 says use a one man brake bleeder, faster and cleaner. You can buy one @ AutoZone/PepBoys for about 10 bucks. Or make one by slipping a piece of vacuum line over the bleeder screw (make sure it's a tight fit!!) and putting the other in in a container of brake fluid (make sure the container is BELOW the level of the bleeder, and the the end of the line stays BELOW the level of fluid). Open the screw, fill the master and SLOWLY depress the clutch pedal 10-12 times WITHOUT letting the master run dry. Tighten screw. Try clutch. Repeat as neccessary. Drive. Have fun. Embarass Chevrolet's. Make whoopie.