I am a fan of having the engine
oil checked once a year or so. The testing tells you everything from your oils level of
zinc and the additives needed for cam/lifter life to its amount of wear metals present. Potential problems with coolant or high amounts of gas in your
oil also give you a heads up. The numbers can even tell you if the
oil is being changed too often or it is not showing any sign of breaking down or contaminates yet. The lubes in the tranny or rear diff can also be analyzed.
The testing begins with a sample of about 3 oz. and many labs will provide a free container and packaging needed. The basic test runs about $20 bucks and options can add another 10 bucks for 30 bucks all in or less. I am going to talk to a local company to see if they will discount x amount of kits for our local gang. If I get anywhere I will let the gang know. Here is 1 of many companies available on the net.
and a sample report page =