f16n Toren I am going to repeat some of what was said. Things to check with the car hot make sure that both coolant hoses are not collasped. What pulleys are you running and what water pump is on the motor. You need to remove the back inspection cover and make sure there is a disc riveted to the impellor, if not Summit sells one for about $12.00. Install one. Thermostat in car? what temp is it. I run a 180F. High flow. The coolant and water should be a 50/50% with distilled water. Add a bottle of water wetter. Fans The puller fan need a shroud to make all the air come through the fan will help lower the coolant temps. Gaskets for the intake, alot of them partial block the coolant passage between the heads and the intake manifold. A lot of manifolds have casting left in them when they where poured. Some have casing that blocks up to 30% of the flow. Steel pipe for the coolant is the best way to go and just have short rubber hoses for the connections. Exhaust pipe works great for this. You will need to bead the edges for the rubber and clamp to hold on too. You could also cut a 1/2" ring and expandit over the pipe and tack weld it to hold the hose. Pulleys are next, which ones are you running and what size is the diameters? Both should be the same size or the crank one a little bigger to over spin the waterpump. A 3-4 core custom radiator may also be needed if you are high speed driving. I have a Griffen Aluminum in my car. My car runs between 160-190 with racing. It's all aluminum motor. I also have an
oil cooler. The
oil gets around 195-205 hot. I have seen no problems running at these temps. I have seen alot of intake gasket cause your problem. Check your
oil returns too. The intake gasket partial cover the return port to the pan.
I high-tac all my gaskets in the motor to stop sliding. Proper torqueing of the intake bolts is also important and following the bolt by bolt pattern. I take them down in 3 stages withthe distributor in the hole for a guide. 10 lbs, 20 lbs and final torque setting. Where and how is your timing for the motor? this will cause a problem with running hot also. Good luck Rick L.