I'm fairly sure it's not doable using the conventional turkey pan design. For one, the front carb is right up on the distributor.
Assuming you conquer that, the linkage, springs and the need to adjust would make it a PIA to live with.
I fabricated a completely functional cold air system which seals to the scoop. Mounting the pan at the carb throats instead of the throttle plates avoids all the above hassles. It's a Moroso foam kit and a fabricated aluminum pan with rolled edges at the carb necks and outer edges. Seals to the hood perfectly, adds HP and stops the stalling tendency on hard stops when the carbs eat hot air.Those are 9" K&N's. Idle speed can be set with the pan in place.
Certainly originality is not an issue with your project so why start with a conventional TP? Can work with FE or SBF. Here's mine: