Originally Posted by WACR
As a very slow Cobra builder in WA, I regret to say my 1 year extension granted last January by the Licensing Dept on my initial 2 year period (commenced late 2005) has expired. A couple of engineers I spoke to at the time advised I get it registered with the Dept. Does anyone in WA know if my best option is to apply again for a extension and if this is likely to be successful. My feeling is they will require me to re-apply as a new applicant from January 2009. If this is the case, does anyone know if there have been significant ADR introductions that could catch me out in or am I worrying about nothing?
Yours regrettably WACR.
As far as I know there is no problem getting a new extension. I've had 3 already. The last one was in November 2008.