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Pin drive bolts splitting.
As you know I have Compomotives from the same supplier as you, they told me there parts are exactly the same as Trigo, so whether they deal with the same supplier as Trigo or source from L Park I am not sure!
There has been a lot of good input into this post and it appears the Trigo pins are too hard, but that of course doesnt account for the incorrect seating taper, and the sharpish end where the taper and threads meet.........!
David in well onto it and I think we are fortunate that he is kind enough to make us the correct parts for the job, especially as some of our cars do some serious track work. I am under the impression he might be out of the office and we are touching base on after 26th January so I can get my pin drives underway.
A J. Newton
The 1960's rocked!
Last edited by Ant; 01-20-2009 at 05:21 PM..