Originally Posted by wtm442
1) What is the TAGS box at the end of every thread?
2) I tried out the Pictures & Albums section of the Networking area in my User CP. It mentions 60 pictures. Is that 60 pictures total, no matter how many albums are created?
Does this have any impact of our picture gallery size limit?
Why have 2 places to post Albums/Pictures with no link between the 2 areas. Just a little confusing.
Kepp up the good work.
For number one...I'm still trying to figure out how best to utilize that. I guess you can add key words etc and then it may be easier to find those threads later or linking, etc.
For number two...it's 60 images per album. As for the two areas and being confusing...I am trying to think that through. This is the problem with software that interacts with each other. Enhancements in one sometimes start filtering into the other and then tough decisions need to be made. Still thinking it through.