Thanks to Dan for a good idea to do this run today, I think I counted eight cars. What a blast! First time for me on this run so the scenery was spectacular, and no rain. Great job on the lead too Dan -- thanks for the extra gas stop just for me

. Nice that you guys have local knowledge of where the police would be; yep, and they were right there.
We got an added bonus when we tangled with some BMW's doing a club run on AZ-87. I noticed some of their passengers were taking our pictures, hmmm. I had my hands full though so I couldn't wave.
Gourmet burgers and such at Jake's Corner along with some good conversation.
I thought I might be the only guy to punch it thru the tunnel but everybody did it and it was so loud it made me sick for a second -- cool!
I took some pictures at the Shell station where we met up and they're here:
I also did a couple of panoramas at Jake's Corner and will post them later when I process them.