Originally Posted by blykins
Dave, might as well make it right before you button it back up. Axles are cheap.....you can get a set of Strange axles in 28 or 31 spline for around $200. If it were mine, I'd go with at least 31 spline.
+1 Dave,
When you do it go to 31 splines. There is a world of difference in terms of strength. When you go to 31 splines you will also have to replace the side gears in the differential. Not a big deal from a cost standpoint but a little work from your standpoint. Great experience though and good step towards a significant step up in reliability.
Thirty five spline axles are extraordinarily strong and come very close to a set it and forget it part. When you use a pair of these axles you ought to have a minimum 3.25" bearing bore in your 9" carrier. If you are using a Dana 44 then I would probably stop at 31 splines. I am unaware of anyone making '44s with 3.25" bearing bores and the wall thickness on the differential housing at the bearing gets very thin. The thin wall becomes your first point of failure, so ... you get the picture.
Whatever you do don't go back to 28 splines even in a quality axle like Strange. The 28 spline axle is for a lower power/performance level than you are capable of creating.