Not Ranked
As the instigator of these "Challenges", I feel it is my duty to notify you. They are informal, low key fun, who's fastest BS. Just to put an edge on the track time and set up a goal. Nothing but bragging rights, and an excuse to try to do better than before.
On the other hand, there is always big block/small block confrontations; East/West//North/South; the round tube/squaretube frame deal; the my mfg is better than yours and its sub set REALSHELBIE4000 vs replica (thanks Evan) conflagration; red/blue/silver//stripes/no stripes; Cobra/Lister/Cheeter/GrandSport; and the best one of all...........Ribs n' beer / TNT's and quiche.
With all these possibilities, you carve out your litle corner, and everybody win's. EX: Best bigblock squaretube ERA red nonstriped beer drinker with a spare clutch, in the joint.
So choose your weapon and stand your ground.