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Old 02-11-2009, 10:00 PM
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767Jockey 767Jockey is offline
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Cobra Make, Engine: Contemporary, FE, Tremec TKO 600
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Default Build thread - Resurrection of an old Contemporary

Well, I've just had a health issue that has me out of work for the next few months, and I'm already going stir crazy and need something to do. I figured what the heck, everyone is putting their build threads up, how about something just a little bit different - a restoration by a first timer of an old Cobra by a company that isn't around any more - Contemporary. Hey, even if no one reads this, it'll give me something to do!

For background, I have wanted a Cobra for years, and could never financially do it. You see, I have this problem - I want what I want, and I will not settle for less. If I can't afford what I want, I wait and wait until I can. For me, I want a Cobra with a accurate body, a round tube frame, IRS, FE engine, etc. Looking at what was out there, that leaves me Shelby, Kirkham, Roger Bolick, and.......that's about it. I really like ERA's and can almost overlook the square frame, but even so it's out of my price range, as are the rest of them, at least at the time I made my decision.

Anyway, while I'm weighing all this out in my head about 2 years ago, I'm eating breakfast one morning looking at the local paper. I never look at the used car ads, but for some reason I still don't understand, this particular morning I did. What do I see, a Contemporary cobra for sale for $25K. Yep, you got it - round tube frame, accurate body, IRS.....I read the ad, it's got a 351C and a C4 automatic. I start thinking about this, and start envisioning a project. Why not buy the beast, tear it down to the frame rails and start over? It'll cure my desire to get my hands on a Cobra, and get me started. I can work into it as I raise the funds.

Off I go to look at it, and as I expect, it's just horrible, a rat. However, it's solid. Everything that is bad about it I would replace anyway. The engine is filthy, but it'll go anyway. The automatic? I treat it like a disease, it has to go ASAP. The interior is laughable, horrible navy blue cheap vinyl EVERYWHERE - even on the floor and tunnel. But, the car is solid. Proper Smiths gauges, the suspension looks great, the frame is perfect, the body is perfect except for a molded in scoop and horrible paint (sort of a semi gloss white with bright electric blue Le Mans stripes - UGH!) So, I do what any severely infected Cobra addict would do. I negotiate with the guy, and we settle on $21K -I am now the proud owner of one of the ugliest Cobras on Earth, but with the chance to be a beauty. Here are some shots of this horror on wheels the day I took it home, lets hope I can figure out now how to post pictures.......
Damn, was this thing ugly! I don't like bolt on wheels, but as bolt on wheels go, these were nice ones, and I sold them quickly. Hope you're enjoying them, Hugo! Note the pristine engine compartment (UGH), and the high class navy blue vinyl everywhere interior! The guy I bought this from was hysterical - he knew absolutely NOTHING about the car. I mean, guys, he didn't even know what engine was in it. I mean he knew absolutely NOTHING!
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