Help design a fuel system
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02-13-2009, 04:05 AM
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Need to know what motor and fuel induction you are wanting to run
fasterpatrick Pat what motor are you running? Who's system are you looking at? Does your system need a return line? Fuel line size min of 3/8" and return 5/16". Are you going to race? I have seperate fuel pumps and lines going to my motor with one way valves. Backup pump if the other ones fails while racing. I run 255 Walbro pumps in the tank. I like internal pumps better that external ones. 95% of all cars today run internals. Only down side is the pumps use the fuel to keep them cool. I have not had any vapor lock with my system.(2) 1/2" lines up to the motor and (1) 3/8" return to the tank. Separate relays for each tank on switches. 10 years no problems yet. Volume IMO is more important than pressure. Both are needed. A lean out condition happening on the track will burn up a motor in a heartbeat. Ask MOE.
If you want to talk about this, send me a private e-mail with info to reach you at. Rick Lake Ps Aluminum gas line is easy to run and works OK IF you clamp it about every 12"'s to stop vibration. In NJ it is not allowed on street cars. Also some of the stainless steel brake lines are not DOT approved for the street either. You know our inspectors don't miss a thing.
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