I used to sell a piston ring set - or two - on a regular basis.
I use normal motor
oil on cylinder walls and rings. A very thin film rubbed into the parts is fine. You do not need to dunk or soak them. Motor
oil is what will be lubricating those parts forever - and what they should start out with.
The idea of firing an engine with metal-to-metal contact dry amazes me, and yet many otherwise intelligent folks do it. A request for instant scuffing. WD40 or rubbing alcohol or any other mystery sauce is near equally wrong in my humble opinion. Why introduce an unknown variable - like an
oil with untested temperature, ash, and burning characteristics - into the critical, tight tolerance and highly stressed ring seal area of an engine?
Survival Motorsports
"I can do that....."
Engine Masters Challenge Entries
91 octane - single 4bbl - mufflers
2008 - 429 cid FE HR - 675HP
2007 - 429 cid FE MR - 659HP
2006 - 434 cid FE MR - 678HP
2005 - 505 cid FE MR - 752HP