We can't seem to get the racers to show up at our local track(Watkins Glen) so we deceided to meet them half way across the country and it seems to be catching on. All are welcome to Club Cranky.
JM ,see what you started,now even the Run and Gunners want to see what we are all about. Boy are they going to be disappointed.
Six cars and thirty five drinkers.
Here is a our racing stable,
One BB ERA with clutch problems DD
One Contemporary with sb and over the hill driver RD
One FFR 347 with almost over the hill driver HD
One FFR supercharged ,driver too busy chasing the wimmens TS
One Mustang 377ci or 351 FIA Contemporary? Entertainer JM
One Mustang driven by guitar player/singer NG
One Cheetah (maybe) Traveling chef BC
Many bottles of adult beverages
And lots of good food
See you all at Elkhart Lake in Sept. 2002