Originally Posted by Plums
I like the disclaimer there Boxhead..... Perhaps someone ported and milled the heads while you were sleeping
I did get the motor second hand so I really dont know what might have been done before I got it.
The guy at Mildura who did my tune said that the manifolf vacuum was as if the cam was stock, but the Kw figures said something wasnt stock.
I will admit to cleaning out the intake and exaust ports with a sanding pad on a die grinder but promise I did nothing more than smooth it out.
I did not get the heads machined while they where off, the only reason I took it apart is that it was a warranty change over unit (piston rattle) that Holden did not ask for its return when I worked at the dealer.
The tech pulled it apart in doing the diagnosis so I had to replace bearings, seals and gaskets and head studs when I put it back together.
Cruising in 5th
Never be afraid to do something new, Remember, Amateurs built the Ark: Professionals built the Titanic.