i've had a system 1 filter on the truck from way back. it filters to about 30/40 micron i've been told, anything less and it won't flow i was told also.
i've read both good and bad about the screen mesh stuff.
imo, it is a hassle to clean, costs a lot, and i have yet to see any tests/experiments what have you on the superiority.
i think a canister type with fiber or
synthetic media in the realm of what canton sells would be of superior filtering quality.
i've never heard of any of the big race teams that have been around a while using screen mesh type filters.
flow would be good, and i can't remember what size 30 or 40 micron is, but anything smaller would have to pass through the bearings and other paraphanelia.
i just don't see the benefit of these type filters, except to give one the fuzzies and put money in somebodies pocket.
i'm sure compared to some filters they would be suprior, and then to others would fall behind, depends what you compare it to and the application.
just a few things to think about, good luck.