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[quote=Power Surge;924050]Pat, The Corvettte is the undisputed definition of a poser car. Go to any car show and 9 out of 10 new Corvette owners are mid life crisis money guys with leather Corvette jackets, Corvette sneakers, Corvette hats, Corvette leather driving gloves, matching Corvette chairs, a die cast of their car sitting on the engine on a battery operated spinning plate, and COMPLETELY stock cars.
I hope you don't mind Sal but I rewrote your message to reflect reality :
The Cobra is the undisputed definition of a poser car. Go to any car show and 9 out of 10 new Cobra owners are mid life crisis money guys with leather Cobra jackets, Cobra sneakers, Cobra hats, Cobra leather driving gloves, matching Cobra chairs, a die cast of their car sitting on the engine on a battery operated spinning plate, and know and like Evan.......