Originally Posted by priobe
Great.... nothing is ever easy
Keep in mind I am currently at 3000 rpm @ 60 mph = 3.73
If the above numbers is dead accurate for your car, forget the calculators and just multiply out the ratio of the gear ratios.
3000 * new ratio / old ratio
3000 * 3.55 / 3.73 = 2855
1. 2477 rpm @ 60mph = 3.08
2. 2630 rpm @ 60mph = 3.27
3. 2662 rpm @ 60 mph = 3.31
4. 2855 rpm @ 60 mph = 3.55
Another important thing to consider is the speed limits that you drive in. If you are taching 2477 @ 60 mph you will have 1651 at 40 mph. Depending on your cam, it may not run there and it will force you down a gear. That could put you back up to 3000 rpm in order to run 40 mph. You want to make sure that it is pleasant to drive where you run the most, not just 60 mph.