Not Ranked
Dear Mr. Costagli,
I do believe we have meet a dozen times or so, at club funtions, breakfast's, party's and events! I even think you took about 100 shop rags from me at a breakfest somewhere up North! I have been a Windy City Cobra Club member for 3 or 4 years! I have a Blue Midstates Cobra w/a 427 side oiller and 2-4bbl carb's on it! (just so you know) Da, trashed my car at Byron(the clutch) I live in Homer Glen, Illinois! (you can use map quest if it is too South for you) I am so sorry you don't remember me! I pay my dues every year! "ON TIME"
You being the "Idea Man" and wanting someone to get the ball rolling on a Club Event..........................I offered to do so!
Thank you for watching out for the hole Club and wondering who I am!!!
I guess at this point, well, I don't give sh*t!
The "Man Cave" is still open, if any want's to stop by for a garage crawl!
I'm am looking forward to seeing you again Blas!
My best to all,
Glen Bednarczyk
Last edited by Glen; 03-02-2009 at 08:37 PM..