Thread: DUI Insurance
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Old 03-03-2009, 03:03 PM
calcob calcob is offline
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Question DUI Insurance

Hi all, I have been in the process of building my MKII for the last 14 months and have approx. 400 hrs into it, with only a few weeks to go before completion. This is my dream car
About 5 months ago we were invited to a friends BBQ and my 4 year old daughter was severely bitten by a stray german shepard on her hand while she was playing in the front yard with the other kids.
The hospital was only about 1 mile away, so I got her in the car and called 911 to let them know I was on the way. A few minutes after we arrived a sheriff's dupty showed up to take a report. I had about 5 beers while at the BBQ and the deputy could smell it on my breath, after taking his report he took me outside for a sobriety test which I passed, but he wanted me to take a blood test while we were at the hospital, and I did not object...
Well my test came out at .09 and I was arrested.
My daughter ended up loosing her small finger, but could have lost 2 others if I had not gotten her there so quick, so I do not regret what I did. This is my first violation of any kind(not even a parking ticket) and I do not condone drinking at driving.
So now I have a DUI on my record and I cannot find an insurance company that will insure my cobra, does anybody have have any recomendations or know of an insurance company that would would insusre a person with a dui on their record..... any advise or input would be appreciated, I would hate to have sell it before I am even able to drive it
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