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To answer the question, yes the car may still have a bit of charge, but it will have discharged through you to ground. What you really should do is touch the filler with one hand and the pad with the other. This equalized you, the car and pump to the same potential (ground in this case). What a lot of people don't realize is it doesn't actually matter if you have a charge on you as long as the charge is the same, there will be no discharge. When you open the filler you are grounding out any charge to the potential at the gas station parking lot, which the Pump is at the same charge. This is equalizing. Touching the pad only serves as a secondary "check" that you are grounded. I have never felt a discharge by touching the pad. Just an extra safety check.
PS. The stations that you see with signs warning that cell phones can cause a static discharge and explosion are wrong. A phone will have the same static charge as the person holding it, and the RF emitted cannot cause an explosion. That whole thing came from a false email that a few news stations ran with and now it is everywhere.
Why do they call it "Common Sense" when it is so rare?