Sold,...sold,...sold. The group buy is now over. Can't wait to get mine.
I will send you all a PM with the Dealers name, salesman and phone number, and you can give him your name, address and total cost including shipping cost.
This has actually been a lot of work but, I'm happy that 10 + of us can get a very nice deal with these Billboards.
Here is the list, and please let me know a.s.a.p, if I've left anyone out.
cobra de capell
G Edmonds
Roger Bolick
jdcbr ? (please let me know for sure, asap. I will be calling in the order's soon)
Thanks to all of you for being a part of the group buy. We Cobra owners are a tight group and I'm very happy to be included !
I could not,....have built my dream car without you.
I do not foresee any problems with this business but, if you do, please email me.
Happy trails with the Billboards guys !
Thanks again,