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Old 03-05-2009, 10:34 AM
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MFE III MFE III is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Los Angeles, ca
Cobra Make, Engine: Hurricane Motorsports, 427w
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A sad ending to a difficult road. Hurricane Motorsports founders, Mike Arps and Rich Burroughs, built a fine company based on integrity, good customer service/owner relations and a replica kit that most will agree is/was among the best in the industry.
Then these morons take over and couldn't get it together to produce even one kit, let alone actually running the company! They wouldn't return calls (during the short bouts when the phones weren't disconnected) and stiffed owners for promised work. They didn't even sign into the Owners Forum (which Arps and Burroughs have been operating all along) since they bought the company over a year ago.

Add to this that they are Madoff wannabe's swindling people's life savings . . . I hope these morons lose everything and do serious time!

All us HM owners can hope for is that someone (like Jay Nordstrom . . hint, hint) picks up the company from the court reciever and continues it. Unfortunately, I doubt that will happpen in this economy
Hurricane Motorsports #1053; 427w
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