I've enjoyed reading your build thread so far. I used to have a Contemporary myself and I made a few modifications in the name of "originality".
One thing you might want to consider doing is cutting the rear bulkhead out to move it back behind the roll-bar tubes so that they are visible behind the driver's seat.
It is actually pretty easy to do. Cut the bulkhead vertically down from where it meets the underside of the body at a point just outboard of the outside roll bar leg down to level with the top face of the trunk floor. You will find that this breaks through into the wheel well, but don't worry. Make the same cut in the same place on the other side of the car Then cut horizontally level with the top face of the trunk floor to join up the bottom ends of the two previous cuts. The bulkhead won't come out yet because it is still fastened to the underside of the body and the trunk sides. I was able to peel these joins apart, but try no to damage the bulkhead panel in the process.
Once you have the bulkhead out, you will need to cut back the trunk side panels to allow the bulkhead to be positioned behind the roll bar. This will be in the order of 2". Try to cut a neat strip off the trunk sides because they will be useful later on. Position the bulkhead in its new location and check that the rollbar sits okay in front of it. The small strips that were cut from the trunk sides can be positioned to fill the gap between the new and original bulkheads. You will need to fabricated a couple of small 2" squares to fill in the small holes at the outer ends of the new step you have just created in the rear bulkhead. Bond everything in place with matting and resin and the job's done.
To my mind it was well worth the effort because I really didn't like it that the roll-bar couldn't be seen behind the seat.
The step in the bulkhead is higher up that original, but don't be tempted to lower it, because you will foul the rear chassis tubes if you do.
Please let me know how you get on if you decide to do it.
There are a few pictures of my car in my gallery. They are the ones beginning "CSR....."