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Old 11-06-2001, 07:05 PM
willyscj willyscj is offline
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I'd just like to make a couple points:

-when I got George Anderson's name from Midstates,while I was researching manufacturers for 6 months, I took the responsibility and risk in hiring him to build my engine. If he would have given me poor service(which he certainly did not), I would have called Midstates and warned them of the kind of work he was doing in detail and in person. I in no way would expect them to get involved with the poor decision I made in using him.

-secondly I would legally go after anyone who would do what this gentleman had done to him, and if everything has transpired as it apparently has, I don't think recovering your losses would be that difficult.

- my guess is that Brett was afraid of being dragged into a court fight. Infact he could be following his attorney's and/or company's advice. I doubt that EM's lack of a response is a cold lack of concern, but rather fear out of not understanding their liabilities. I don't think they have the sophistication and legal expertise that Ford or othe high profile companies have in dealing with something like this.

-and finally I'm not sure that we can be so accusatory when we frankly don't know the facts. That's why we have courts. I still don't understand why EM wasn't retained to build the car and why they would so willingly send business away.

I hope I haven't offended anyone with my comments. That was not my intention.
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