I have been using the 100/110 LL Avgas I get at the small airport
where I get my skydiving fix. I just fill a 5 gal can and use my credit
card and do a rough blend of 1 : 10 with the 92 octane pump gas. It doesn't
sound like much but sure makes a difference in how the Cobra runs,
especially in 5th which is the Tremac .64. If the road is flat and level
it will cruise at 55 smoothly where without the juice I had to be going at
least 65 for it to run ok. I can go up H-3 in 5th no problem at 65 with it,
and it is just over 2,000 rpms at 80 in 5th. I'm sure the c/r is less than
10:1 but not by much. The 100LL is between $5 & 6/gal here but I also
get about 3 mpg better so I figure I'm getting the better performance for
no extra cost. Oh, and I love the smell of that AVgas!