Well word travels quickly I just sent out evites to the folks registered on BACCEVENTS.com today (joining the email list is open to anyone as are the BACC events) . As mike said.......................
It's time to reserve your room for the annual BACC trip to Santa Barbara.
May: 15-16-17-18
Room registration is now open for the BACC Wheel's and Waves weekend in Santa Barbara.
(Space is limited and These rooms will go =FAST= so call today!!)
Call :
El Prado Inn
1601 State St
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 966-0807
Mention "Cobra Club" or "Bay Area Cobra Club" to get your reservation in the block
Rates are ( Single Queen $92, Single King $97, Double King $102 )
There is additional event information on the Wheels & Wave link at http://www.BACCEVENTS.COM
Registration forms for the show and event will be available on the site soon, but reserve your rooms today!!!! To insure group parking at the show we have made arrangements with the organizers to submit our registrations together