Clois Harlan Sign me up, with or without a car. Been going for 16 straight years why stop now. I will need a bigger closet from all the Tee shirts
Need any help feel free to call. This year we will be more on the ball with tires and checking softness with a tire gauge. We will also tighten tech times for cars. Please guys have your cars checked at home for everything on the sheet before coming to R&G. Lights, gascaps, and helmets seam to be the biggest problems. If you have only one gas cap on a cobra, find a tennis ball to help stop the gas from coming up the tube when racing. Many of the Cobra manufactures now have dual gas caps with the normal gas cap inside the popoff one. The lights are for your safety on the track. The same is for the helmets to be NOMEX. This is all for your safety. I enjoy and want everybody to have a FUN and safe time for this event. This year will be better than last year.
Rick L.