I would like to invite the AZ Cobra club, and anyone else that reads this, to the 2nd annual Spring Break Car Show in Maricopa. This show will be held at the RACEWAY BAR & GRILL @ 5 miles outside of Maricopa.
Registration starts about 8am-11am. This event is a lot of fun and open to any car which makes it quite interesting to see what comes out of the woodwork. There is a free tee-shirt to the first 25 registars with a $15.00 entry fee. I would like to post a flyer to this event, but someone is going to have to get on this thread and tell me how as I am not smart enough to figure it out for myself
. until someone tells me how to post the flyer I can answer questions on this thread if you need.
Come on out and have some fun. (Burnouts are acceptable as Law enforcement hardly comes out this way).
Lonestar #024
Tom Crabtree