Originally Posted by RICK LAKE
Power Surge Sal I agree with some of your answers to the problem BUT, Johns car doesn't have 500 miles on it for the first service. After working in the car dealerships for 28+ years, new cars and well a car or truck I repair, ALL require a roadtest which I am not payed for when I repair a car for piece work. Average test between 5 -10 miles depending on the problem it came in for. As far as the Shelby name, they have the right to choose the dealers they want who will sell and assembly there cars. Here we are again with maybe a friday afternoon car or Monday morning car that was put together with a guy That could have been drunk or had a bad weekend, Comes in on Monday and drops the ball. I have seen guys fired for this. It's a safety issue. Most of the people that pay this car like yourself are White collar people that make well over 100K a year and may or maynot know anything about your car except where the gas goes in and when to change the oil. You may be able to build a car from scratch. In Johns case, he is not. Car has been in for more than 1 problem and been fixed more than once. If this guy beat the CRAP out of this car, I wouldn't even be writing this. Personally I don't like the CSI at all. This is a different problem I had and will not get into. People are buying a SPECIAL CAR and paying more for it because of the CSX# and who's company built it. I have been to other manufacture companies and they have assembly sheets on each windshield or body for assembly. This is to prevent this kind of problems with loose parts on the chassic. You finish you sign off. Some companies have a checker that checks the work. I guess where John's car was built this doesn't happen. John was not hurt with this car and there is no real damage but 2 or 3 times back for problems that he had NOTHING to do with..... I wonder how easy you would be if this happened to you? Me I would be on a plane and PI$$ed. The money tree in my back yard is long gone. Not even the roots are left. . Sorry, Shelbys name is on the car and that is who I would hold accountable for these problems. It's there dealerships. Maybe they need to do a little inspection of the Dealers and find out who is doing a great job and who is dropping the ball. Customers are the best info and company can listen to, to find out these things. As far as the splindle assemblys, they need some help. I looked at the original chassic book and the pictures of John's car look nothing like the OEM ones. Are yours the same as John's??? I hope not. We just have 2 different point of this problem and views. I did think that only the bodies and frames where built in South Africa? I have not kept up on where and who with them. Have a good evening Sal, going out for a drive?? Becareful, I heard there are BIG jackrabbits where you live. Rick L.
I agree that it should not happen, especially on a car that costs so much. But the truth is, it DOES happen. Shelby, Kirkham, ERA, SPF... all the top name, top quality brands have their share of build and design issues. These are not DOT government regulated major manufacturer assembly line built cars with years of testing before their release and strict quality control. These are low production hand build component cars. Mistakes are made. Design flaws are found and fixed. Contrary to popular belief, John's upright setup was an "improvement" over the original setup which was prone to many issues. I agree it's not the smartest design, but the point it that it was the result of a known issue.
You ask me what if it were my car... I've had my share of problems with my own car. And keep in mind that I am the third owner, the car was already on the road previously. The problems I had stemmed from a combination of parts copied off original design, and how they were put on the car. Am I mad at Shelby for it? No. It's how the car was made and this is a copy of a 40 year old car. Am I mad at the dealer how built the car? Not mad, but a little dissapointed in the poor assembly issues. I have to deal with that and fix things as they come up.
If anyone thinks they are going to own a Cobra and it's going to be trouble free from day one, they are out of their mind.