Universal Healthcare will help? Aren't the big 3 paying billions into trust funds for UAW healthcare. Those funds will be under control of the UAW, not the big 3, in order to get that liability off of the books of the big 3 . I wonder what the UAW would do with that money if they suddenly did not need to use it to pay for healthcare anymore?
I bet the UAW would love universal healthcare.
Originally Posted by cobra bill
Why is it everyone is so willing to hang the UAW out to dry on this one like it's their fault, it's OK that the bankers get there bonuses, because they have a contract, well union workers have a contract as well.
The CEO's of Toyota make 20x what the worker makes, in GM and Chrysler and ford they make 300X what the worker on the floor makes, so you tell me who is really over paid! if we could have universal healthcare, it would be enough to level the playing field, Toyota gets Tax incentive, free infrastructure and all sorts of deals to get them to bring their plants in to the country, how is that a level playing field, there's more to it than just the UAW who over the last 5 years has made many concessions.