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Old 03-31-2009, 10:03 PM
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Default Professor Muck's question is not just rhetorical

Yes, sir, the FORD family has protected the management from the public's over-reactions and various market vicissitudes. FORD was seldom the biggest modern firm, but frequently the best managed. Will Government Motors live as long? Will it last the 60 days? GM is managed and owned today by the US Government and our President (amongst his other duties in Europe). His minions are deciding today the constitution of the Board of Directors, on what basis you might rightly concern yourself. Will they all hail from Chicago, you fairly ask?

Well, in the last century, the euro-visigothian-sourced mythic and "noble" Aryans twice failed to lead us to the perfect man and heaven on this earth. Nor were the Steppe-borne Attilla's of the Volga and Carpathians, despite their 70 years of practice and 60 million murders and their nuclear-tipped spear-chuckers, able to perfect modern man, despite Marxian certitude and voluminous logical but broken promises.

These were all Socialisms, National or Communist. They all knew that "modern man" could be developed and 'trained' to act in collective interest, like ants or bees. They ignored the social examples and behaviors of wolves and hyenas; but that is what mostly emerged, didn't it?

So, as the islamoNazi Persians threaten us, while we subdue and re-train the Assyrian civilization, shall we now let the Upper-Nile Ethiopians or pseudo-Nubians down the street further perfect the Great Marxian promise upon us and chaste our ways? Will Bill Ayres Prairie Fire be prophetic?

What drives their wish to perfect us? Is it the self-loathing of their other perhaps better-half, festering racial hatreds implanted by the party cadre upon a lonely child or simply human ego, misplaced personal pride and the colossal narcissism of a pampered man-child with no paternal guidance, pride and respect?

Do we imagine running Detroit, Washington and New York will be enough for any mortal? Does the King ever have enough wives?

Lord, save us from those who wish to save us from ourselves.
"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government."
George Washington
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