Originally Posted by Cobrabill
THe Aztek can make a train take a dirt road.THe problem is that no cars today are one mans vision(Shelby,DeLorean,Duntov).All cars are designed by committee.Wagoner is not the only one that needs to go.
Even back in the 60's they were not all one mans vision. Shelby had AC, Delorean had Iacocca, Duntov had Shinoda. Iacocca was an industrial engineer who ended up running the company. He knows how to build stuff, and the rest were engineers or designers.
Wagoner is an economics major.
Cars are often a passionate purchase, and I just think an accountant is usually just going to take the passion right out of whatever the engineers and designers do. A lot of GMs head honchos have been engineers who worked their way up. The ones that weren't (like Harlow Curtice) allowed guys like Harley Earl to play a large role.
Yep, lots of others need to go as well - the UAW is a problem, but they are not the biggest one.