First check the two on the front hood and if you are using the CR hood latch, check that also, then check two on the trunk-cowl side, and where the latch on the rear (shown) bolts in. All attaching hardware is 1/4x20. Run a bolt through each hole,
if it binds up, they sometimes do due to fiberglass strands getting into the threads use a 1/4x 20 tap and/or if you feel
any movement...cut the plates out and re-do!
After cutting the plates out, grind all the old glue off using a rough wheel/disc, grind the fiberglass use "Marglass or Duraglass" on the fiberglass and the metal plate and sandwhich them together tightly using clamps or simply bolt them together. Once this is dry 'glass' in the pieces (with the plates glued in place).
From this point on good body rules apply

Glad this is helping sombody!