Originally Posted by FUNFER2
I'll have to look at mine and see if there's a difference. The biggest reason I did not use the various paint pens is because I thought it would take forever, to apply but, I have talked to a couple of guys that said it went fairly fast.
I'll try the Ranger paint and see how it goes. I'm hoping that with my quality paint brushes, that I won't have the brush marks.
There is a huge difference - looks like the serial numbers are embedded on one side - indicates how they are to be mounted - see Silverback51 post and URL to Roger Kraus Racing above.
Also, I ordered paint from Ranger Labs - asked them first what to use to take paint off, even their paint - they stated......"remove paint using acetone".
PS - acetone seems a little harsh to me, I'm going back to Rubbing Alcohol.
It appears to work and is a lot faster than Rubbing Alcohol, on the other hand it's stronger and a real chemical.