This is a long, "How I do it segment". If you so decide at some time to folllow-follow the drections explcitly and doing this on a paint job should not be problem! Time and caution is all.
History and Why; Many years of owning and repairing boats from 16's to 42's there has always been a problem with the self tapping screws going into fiberglass-Streetrods and Cobras are no different. I like to use "jacknuts" when possible but because of room restraints and size of the jack nuts they are not always an answer.

Since I hate the self tapping scrws that always seem to work loose, and repeated tightening only makes them looser and less stable until the only real answer is to go to a bigger screw.
Not anymore! What I am showing is a new way to install defroster mists with a couple of pictures of cpteddies roll bar rings being done the same way. Fender mirrors, dash mirrors, Lemans Cap can be done the same. When you are done a little blue locktite to the machine threads and nothing should ever work loose again!
Def mist located and taped in place to drill the firts set of holes- 1/8th
You need two drill sizes- the second one is to drill the first set of holes oversized so there is room to put the marglass in place and then be able to insert the screw and heli coil in place.
Heli coils and screws we are going to use. Put just A drop of
oil on the screws first and then srew on the coils. At this point brake off the end tang of the helicoil, which is normally used, then take the coil back off, insert the screw in the part you are going to use, screw the helicoil within a thread or two from bottoming out on the part. You want the helicoil far enough on the screw so that when it is inserted into the marglass it is set where you want it-not to deep and certainly not sticking up from the hole.
Marglss applied to the holes, screws and helicoils-part in place.
Dying time maybe three minutes- after 30 minutes sand edges and your ready to go!
Done, screwed in tight-no self tapping screws anywhere!
Roll Bar rings are the same way only buy a chamfer tool to match the screws...
One more thing. I just installed the helicoils for the front center mirror and thought since these are a little bigger they may show up better. All mirrors are installed with 10-24 coils, all others are 8-32's. installation is the same for both.
The little "J" hooked wire is the end of the helicoil that you ned to break off with a small pair of needle nosed pliers............
Thats it, never to have to tighten or replaced again! Pretty sweet if I do say so myself.