If the 9th works for everyone else and you can't make the 9th--no worries I'll buy.
You represent our fine group of Cobra owners in Tucson very well, but every time a challenge comes up, you always seem to forget the "Rules of Challenge", and fold like a cheap suit from Maxwell Street. Being from Chicago you ought to know what that means.
You need to better understand the "Rules of Challenge" which never allow the challenger to select the weapon, the time and place of the challenge and the penalty.
The typical rules would allow the defender, once challenged, to select the time and place or weapon. The Phoenicians are the challenger and have also apparently selected the weapon (how many cars show up) and the penalty for loosing the challenge (free ice cream) and to some degree would like to select the date as well. As defenders of the challenge we have the right to at least select the time and place, which of course should be advantageous to us, just as the weapon (the number of cars) is apparently advantageous to the Phoenicians.
Don't fold so easy John. If the date is so important to the Phoenicians then we get to pick the weapon that is advantageous to us. I'm a competitive guy, and never give all of the advantage (choice of weapon, and choice of time and place and penalty) to the challenger.
John come on fire up---lead us to victory.