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Backdraft makes some beautiful cars and Jay is a top notch dealer for them, so you cannot go wrong there.........I do have to ask, with so many different engine combinations that put out 400+ HP, why ido you have your heart set on a turbocharged engine? Not questioning your sanity, just looking to figure out where you are going with this particular set up. Perhaps drag racing (forget about the turbo in that case), road racing (been there, done that in an older 930 Turbo, not suggested either), which leaves top speed events (salt flats or Arizona balls out style runs), in which the turbo can help get your car that extra ooommmph to get you over the top of your speed class. Again, just trying to see what your ultimate goal and useage will be for the car........
Will await your detailed response and we can go from there.
Bill S.
Instead of being part of the problem, be part of a successful solution.
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