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Old 04-06-2009, 06:56 PM
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Your gauge is accurate as now verified and engine is not staying at T-stat value when running down the road.

Lets go step by step on a few tests. If you start a cold engine and you let her idle it heats up. When gauge or pyro shows about 120 or 130 shot the T-stat housing with pyro to verify. Now shoot top rad hose a few inches from the rad. What does it read on temp? If it shows something close to engine or the 120/30 on gauge your T-stat is already open or is being bypassed somehow.

If engine heats up to about 160 on idle but rad temp on a cold start up is still outside air temp the t-stat is closed and should be able to monitor the temps and see her open and heat coolant in the rad. T-stat should close now that cold rad coolant has entered engine and flow stop. With cooling fans running and t-stat closed you should see rad temps drop until cycle of t-stat opening and closing starts again but fans must be on to see the temps vary.

What happens when you watch this with your pyro?
Jeff Classic
Manufacturer of the Cobray-C3
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