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Well, we will all converge on the pit area just past the start finish line. We had a great time last year pitting with greg lapointe(ffr), nelson garrison(ffr spec racer), and John Guyon( he has the tubed frame 67 shelby mustang) the guy that beat Dennis Otloff at run and gun on the road course. All great people. I will talk to Gary Hamman, the guy running the event for the northwoods cobra club and see if we can pre arrange an area in the pit since we are all comeing from so far away. Don, your right, I will have to lift for you to pass me, at least on the straght. Corners, you may eat me up. I will lift at the kink. Anybbody that can flat foot it thru there" you da man". Don, what tranny are you running? I just drove the cobra with my new TKO plus in it today. It works great but we will see how long it lasts on the race track.scott