Well, B, we are Americans, you and me. If we chose to attack Canada, no doubt the Ottowa Sun ( like the London Mirror) would say, "the Americans have attacked us!", while the Citizen might be more circumspect and say it was just a couple of half-bright right-wingers looking for publicity.
To your point, i would measure President Obama according to his own definitions, declared training and proven preferences. i would look to his mentors, communists and America haters all and his mother, grandmother and grandfather, all party cadre intent on changing America into their atheistic big government vision.
After all, REv. Wright and Elijah Mohummed speak loudly about black supremacy, a black Christ and a GD America, i recall. They want a separate America. A Better America. Black power. Reparations. Ayres instructs them to "...bring the revolution home and kill your parents." Michele has never been proud of America, until He was the candidate.
You have read Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, correct?
As Larry King says, "we have over 300 million people, SOMEBODY is going to have to make decisions for them!" So, friend, size does matter after all.
At your leisure, read both of His books again, now with an eye to his current acts against Christian faith, Catholic reason (common sense will do) and our Constitutional Right to Life. Liberty and Happiness are not options for the dead, either born or unborn. For a self-proclaimed Constitutional scholar to prefer a mother's choice of death for her accidently born child (botched abortion) is indeed a severely illogical and foundationally revealing choice. But, we know the current crop of dem party leadership believe that up is just as well down, over could easily better be under and black is the new white. When you are an accomplished "new" socialist cum communist, chaos is your friend, friend.
"Never let a good crisis go to waste", Rahm Emanuel instructs them.
So, shall let them re-interpret the laws of physics (global warming), economics ("i know that lower tax rates on the rich collect higher tax revenues, but it isn't "fair"), private property (the "dis-advantaged" ought to be helped by requiring the lowering their mortgage debt, interest rates and credit status)? Shall they institute nationwide union election rules, striking down long-standing states-rights, guaranteeing ever larger union membership and muscle? Shall they force anti-christian ethical standards of the medical community membership by requiring abortion participation, despite many state's citizen-chosen limitations?
Shall they destroy "the rich" between the twin millstones of debt and inflation? Lenin.
Let's hear it for the Leader of the Party of Death. Let His people cancel our missile systems, our new ships, our best fighters, our laser weapons and more. Perhaps this will encourage our enemies to be more considerate of our new-found peaceful intentions. Likely, the pot-bellied (i should talk!) piglet is laughing his buttinski off, just like Kruschov laughed at JFK after their first meeting. A few months later, Nikita Sergeyevich shipped nukes to Cuba. What shall the Great Leader of the PRNK do? What has our own Great Leader learned? At least JFK woke up from his domestic dreaming.
But, then they put him to sleep, forever, may he finally rest in peace.
N Korea's Kim-shee stuck it in His eye with a missile test during His speech on Saturday. Sarkozy stuck it in His eye over Turkey's EU membership (MYOB) and promised to take all of 1 Guantanamo detainee. Merkel told Him to take a hike about throwing more good money after bad. Not a single Republican voted in either House to accept his budget proposals, 1 million bridges to nowhere. There was a bi-partisan group of No votes.
And we should give Him a pass? Or think He is alone? Or not think about what could be?
Friend, we've just seen his second speech for the election of Holy Roman Emperor, at least.
Berlin was His first. And you knew that US Foreign Service workers in Berlin were instructed NOT TO ATTEND? And we don't wonder why? Who paid for the free opening rock concert, free draft, free pretzels and free chicken? That's the new economics for you!
It's only fair.